Turkey in the modern summer olympic games: from Sydney to Tokyo





Success, quota, olympic


It is observed that developed countries are quite successful in various fields such as education, healthcare, military, political, technology, art, and sports. The biggest event that countries aspiring for success in sports turn their attention to is the Olympics. Indeed, the Olympics are considered a showcase of power for countries. the Olympics hold particular importance for Turkey, which also aims to be in the status of developed countries. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the current situation of Turkey in comparison with the top 5 countries that have won the most medals in the last six Olympic Games. In the data collection process, a qualitative research design, document analysis, was used due to the data sources being written documents. The data were obtained from the IOC, TMOK, and Olympics official websites. In the data analysis, frequency analysis was conducted using the SPSS 25 package program to reach averages and percentages. It was observed that Turkey's success percentage in the last six Olympics has shown fluctuations. Within the framework of the research, it was concluded that in order to be successful in the Olympics, countries need to increase the number of participating athletes and formulate new policies focusing on sports branches where more medals are awarded.


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How to Cite

AYDIN, G. (2023). Turkey in the modern summer olympic games: from Sydney to Tokyo. Journal of Athletic Performance Researches, 1(1), 37–47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8394878